As “ANDL MAKARON” we act meticulously to ensure the security of your data. With this in mind, as Andl Makaron, we attach the utmost importance the processing and retaining of the personal data of all individuals associated with ANdl & Makaron to your rights listed in Article 10 titled “Data Controller’s Disclosure Requirement” and Article 11 titled “Rights of the Data Subject” of LPPD. We care about protecting the confidentiality and security of the personal data you provide to us. For this purpose, we take the required technical and administrative security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, damage, loss or disclosure. .

1. Collecting and Processing Personal Data and the Purposes of Processing

Andl Makaron allows easy access to the data provided to Andl Makaron, allow the customer to access the services in a healthy manner and for these data to be kept confidential, in accordance with the agreements and contracts drawn between the parties. Andl Makaron keeps the service always up to date and active in order to enhance the quality of the service offered, for ease of use and simplification. Your personal data, including your name, surname, e-mail address, communication address, permanent address, telephone number and professional experience, may be collected by Andl Makaron, as required by the service provided, using automated or non-automated means, in verbal, written or electronic form, by means of Andl Makaron units and offices, clicking and navigation data on the website and mobile applications, and by similar means. Your personal data may be processed by being generated and updated as long as you use the products and services offered by Andl Makaron. However, when you use our website to access to the services offered by Andl Makaron, when you visit Andl Makaron or our website, attend trainings, seminars or organizations organized by Andl Makaron, your personal data may be processed. These personal data shall be processed in order for you to utilize the services we offer, with your explicit consent or in other situations foreseen in the applicable legislation, particularly in paragraph 2, Article 5 of LPPD, on the condition that they are not used for any purpose other than the ones identifies with the Clarification on the Protection of Personal Data or out of scope, by taking all necessary information security measures, and be kept as long as the legal retention period or as required by the purpose of processing, and at the end of this period shall be anonymized and continue being used by KAndl Makaron .

2. Who Do We Share Your Processed Personal Data with?

ANDL Makaron shall share your personal data only upon the explicit consent of the customers and in accordance with the applicable legislation, particularly in other situations foreseen in paragraph 2, Article 5 of LPPD, in order to perform the operations of Andl Makaron and to enhance the quality of service as per the security and confidentiality principles specified in LPPD, and when legally required, with public authorities and entities entitled to request these data.

3. Method and Legal Grounds for the Collection of Personal Data

Your personal data shall be collected in accordance with the purposes specified above, in all kinds of verbal, written or electronic medium, for the purposes listed above and in order for the products and services we provide as Andl Makaron to be offered within the legal framework specified and for Andl Makaron to fulfill all of their contractual and legal responsibilities in this scope properly and in full. Your personal data collected for a legal reason may also be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in Articles (1) and (2) of this text and in accordance with the Articles 5 and 6 of the LPPD on the conditions and purposes of personal data processing.

4. The Rights of the Personal Data Subject Listed on Article 11 of LPPD

As personal data subjects, if you submit your requests in regard to your rights, with the methods specified below in this Clarification Text, hereby, ANdl Makaron shall fulfill this request within thirty days the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if a fee is set forth by the Board of Personal Data Protection, Andl Makaron shall charge the fee specified in the tariff. In this scope personal data subjects shall have the right to;
• Learn whether their personal data is being processed,
• Request information on their processed data, if processed,
• Learn the purpose of processing the personal data and whether the data is used in accordance with this purpose,
• Be informed on the third parties the data has been transferred to domestically,
• Request the personal data to be corrected and for the third parties these data have been transferred to be informed of the correction, if the personal data is processed incompletely or inaccurately,
• Request the personal data to be deleted or destroyed if the reasons for processing are no longer effective, and for the third parties these data have been transferred to be informed of the correction, even if the data has originally been processed in accordance with the provisions of LPPD and other relevant legislation,
• Object to the automatic analysis of the processed data if this analysis has a significant negative impact on them,
• Request the damages to be compensated if they incur any damages due to the unlawful processing of their personal data.

As per paragraph 1, Article 13 of LPPD, you may submit your request to use your aforementioned rights to Andl Makaron in writing or using other methods specified by the Board of Personal Data Protection. As Board of Personal Data Protection has not yet specified any methods at this point, you must submit your request to Andl Makaron in writing as per LPPD. In this scope, the channels and procedures offered by Andl Makaron for you to submit your requests as per Article 11 of LPPD are listed below.

In order to exercise your aforementioned rights, you may submit your request with the required information to confirm your identity and an explanation on which right you request to exercise among the rights specified in Article 11 of LPPD by completing the form on, by delivering a signed copy of the form to İsmet Kaptan Mah. 1385 SOK. NO:3 Zemin Kat 1 Yeni Asır İş Merkezi Konak - İzmir / Turkey, with documentation confirming your identity in person, submit it by notary or use the other methods set forth in LPPD. .

Andl Makaron shall fulfill the request free of charge, as soon as possible, depending on the nature of the request, and within thirty days the latest. However, if the procedure shall cause an additional cost to be incurred, a fee specified in the tariff set forth by the Board shall be requested. In this scope, if a written response is submitted to the request of the data subject, a response that is up to ten pages shall be provided free of charge, and a fee of 1 TL shall be charged for each additional page. If the response to the request shall be provided on a recording medium such as a CD or flash memory, the fee that may be charged by Andl Makaron shall not exceed the cost of the recording medium.

I read and understood this Clarification Text, hereby, on the subjects of who shall process my personal data and for which purposes, to whom my personal data may be processed and for which purposes, the method and legal grounds for the collection of personal data and my rights listed on Article 11 of the Law, as per Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698 titled “Data Controller’s Disclosure Requirement”, and was informed by Andl Makaron, the Data Controller about the subject matter.


E-mail :
Address : 37. Sk. No:56, 35730 Kemalpaşa Osb / Kemalpaşa - İzmir / Türkiye
Phone : 0 555 55 55