As “ANDL & MAKARON”, we use certain technologies called cookies (“Cookies”) in order to enhance your experience while using and visiting the website on (“Website”), the extensions of the website, our applications or all similar online or offline media we offer to your use in the digital environment (shall be referred to as “Platform” including all aforementioned media).

These technologies are used in accordance with applicable legislation including the Law on the Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698 (“LPPD” or “Law”).
The purpose of this Cookie Policy, hereby, is to inform you on the personal data obtained as a result of the processing of personal data with the cookies that are utilized when you use the Platform. In this policy, we would like to explain to you which cookies we use on our website and applications, the purposes they are used for and how you can control these cookies.
As ANDL & Makaron, we may discontinue using the cookies, change the types or functions of the cookies used or add new cookies to our website and applications as we deem fit. Thus, we reserve the right to amend the provisions of this Cookie Policy anytime. All kinds of amendments made on the current Cookie Policy shall be effective upon their announcement on the website, application or any public media. You may find the date of the latest update at the end of the policy.

Method and Legal Grounds for the Collection of Personal Data

Your personal data is collected based on the legal grounds of the legitimate interests of ANDL & Makaron through cookies in the electronic environment when you visit our website or use our applications. Promotional activities through targeting and profiling are only carried out with your consent. Your personal data collected may also be processed for the purposes specified in this Cookie Policy in accordance with the Articles 5 and 6 of the Law on the conditions and purposes of personal data processing.

Parties Personal Data May Be Transferred to and the Purposes of Transfer

As ANDL & Makaron, we may share your personal data in scope of this Cookie Policy in a limited manner in order to realize the aforementioned purposes, and with official authorities as applicable in the in the legislation.

Which Cookies Ara Used and for Which Purposes?

As ANDL & Makaron, we use cookies on our website and applications and process your personal data with these cookies. The purposes of this processing are mainly as follows:

  • To enable the basic functions for the operation of the website and the applications.  For example, not requiring the logged in users to enter their passwords again while visiting different pages of the website.
  • Analyzing the website and the applications and enhancing the performance of the Site and the web site.  For example; integrating the different servers the website is operated on, detecting the number of visitors on the website and making performance adjustments accordingly or helping the visitors find what they are looking for easily.
  • Enhancing the functionality of the website and the applications and providing ease of use.  For example, remembering the user name or previous search queries of a visitor visiting the website at their next visit.
  • • Personalization, targeting and promotional activities.  For example, displaying ads that are associated with the interests of the visitors based on the pages and products they display.  

Cookies Used on our Website and Applications
The different types of cookies we use on our website and applications are listed below. Both first party cookies (inserted by the website you visit) and third-party cookies (inserted by the servers other than the website you visit) are used on our website and applications.

Mandatory Cookies
Use of certain cookies are mandatory for the correct operation of our website and applications. For example; the authentication cookies that are enabled when you login to our website allow to keep your session active when you navigate from one page to the other.

Cookie Service Provider

Cookie Name

Purpose of the Cookie

Cookie Type

Cookie Duration

ANDL & Makaron


This cookie is only used on websites on a certain login area. It is required to identify the requests from the same browser during a limited session duration while the user is navigating on the website.



ANDL & Makaron


Country Information


1 Day

Preference Cookies

These cookies allow for the services provided on our website to be personalized for you by remembering your preferences and selections on the website. For example; they allow us to remember your language selection on the website or the font size you have chosen while you are reading a text.

Cookie Service Provider

Cookie Name

Purpose of the Cookie

Cookie Type

Cookie Duration

ANDL & Makaron


Age remember


1 day

Targeting or advertisement cookies

We use cookies to promote products and services to you on our website or other media. Additionally, we may work with some of our partners in order to advertise and market our products on and outside of our website. For example; cookies may be used to monitor whether you have clicked on an ad you have seen on our website, and if that ad caught your attention, whether you used the service on the website that ad redirected you to.

Cookie Service Provider

Cookie Name

Purpose of the Cookie

Cookie Type

Cookie Duration



Personalization cookie regarding the display of ads based on Google searches


 7 days



Google session cookie


730 days



Used for Google ads to be displayed


730 days



Used to save Google user preferences


180 days



Used for user profiling and ad targeting


730 days



Used for user profiling and ad targeting


730 days



Used to retain the user preferences


365 days


Google session service


2 years


Google session service


1 year

How Can I Control the Use of Cookies?

We believe that the preferences of our visitors and users on the use of cookies and similar technologies are essential. However, it is required for the Cookies that are mandatory for the operation of the Platform to be used. Additionally, we would like to remind you that certain functions of the Platform may not function in part or in whole if you opt out of certain cookies.
Information on how you could manage your preferences regarding the cookies used on the Platform is provided below:  

  • The visitors can personalize their preferences regarding the cookies by changing the settings of the browser they use to access the Platform. If the browser being used provides this opportunity, it is possible to change the preferences concerning the cookies from the browser. Thus, although it may differ based on the options offered by the browser, data subjects have the opportunity to prevent the use of cookies, get alerted before any cookie is used or disable or delete only certain cookies.
  • Although the preferences on the matter differ for each browser, you may access general information about this issue from It may be required to adjust the settings about the cookies on each device used to access the platform separately. 
  • Please click to turn off the cookies managed by Google Analytics. 
  • Please click to manage the personalized ad experience provided by Google. . 
  • Preferences about the cookies many companies use for advertising activities may be managed from Your Online Choices. 
  • The settings menu of the mobile device may be used to manage the cookies on mobile devices. 
  • You can personalize their preferences regarding the cookies by changing the settings of your browser.

Adobe Analytics


Google Adwords

Google Analytics

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer




What are your Rights as a Data Subject?
As per Article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LPPD), data subjects have the right to,

  • Learn whether their personal data is being processed,
  • Request information on their processed data, if processed,
  • Learn the purpose of processing the personal data and whether the data is used in accordance with this purpose,
  • Be informed on the third parties the data has been transferred to domestically,
  • Request the personal data to be corrected and for the third parties these data have been transferred to be informed of the correction, if the personal data is processed incompletely or inaccurately,
  • Request the personal data to be deleted or destroyed if the reasons for processing are no longer effective, and for the third parties these data have been transferred to be informed of the correction, even if the data has originally been processed in accordance with the provisions of LPPD and other relevant legislation,
  • Object to the automatic analysis of the processed data if this analysis has a significant negative impact on them,
  • Request the damages to be compensated if they incur any damages due to the unlawful processing of their personal data.

You may submit your requests in regard to the rights listed above by completing the ANDL & Makaron Data Subject Application Form on request shall be resolved and you shall be informed in 30 days. As a rule, the requests are fulfilled free of charge, however, if it would require us to incur any expenses to fulfil your request, ANDL & Makaron shall be entitled to request a fee as foreseen in Article 7 “Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller, which states: If a written response shall be provided to the request of the data subject, no fees shall be charged for responses up to 10 pages. A processing fee of 2 TL may be charged for each page over the 10-page limit. If the response to the request shall be provided on a recording medium such as a CD or flash memory, the fee that may be charged by the data controller shall not exceed the cost of the recording medium.”